We’re making work more human.

We’re not normal HR, we’re cool HR.

We use our people operations expertise to partner with organizations (mostly small ones!) to help improve their people processes and employee experience.

People spend about 25% of their time working.

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to create the best possible employee experience for the group of people who have committed so much of their lives to our organizations.

In too many workplaces, people are forced to code-switch at work, because their authentic selves are not welcome.

Some folks live the "Sunday Scaries" every day, and their mental health takes a toll.

All too often, we're changing ourselves to fit within capitalism's narrow expectations of us.

That’s not how work should be. And we’d like to help you change it.

We believe work can be better.

At aedHR, we prioritize:

Caring for People

For us, people always come first. We trust lived experiences, we take time to really listen, and if we’re made to choose we’ll pick people over production every time.

Sitting With Discomfort

Feminism and anti-racism are the foundations for all of our work. Because these theories challenge existing systems of power, that means we must be prepared to be uncomfortable. This momentary discomfort is required for growth.


We will never be “experts” in our field because it’s impossible to be “experts” on people. We actively pursue educational opportunities so we can better serve our people.

Setting Boundaries

Clear boundaries make work more sustainable. Boundaries outside of work ensure we get to rest and recharge. Boundaries within work ensure expectations are clear and (when done well) encourage creativity.

Thinking Differently

“We’ve always done it this way” will generally not fly with us. We’re always ready to get curious about new ways of doing things - especially if they challenge existing systems of oppression.

Finding Joy

Work is often considered separate from joy, or even the complete opposite of it. But we think there’s room for both. Work, in the right setting, with the right mission, alongside the right people, can absolutely be joyful.

We partner with small, mission-driven orgs.

That means if your company has fewer than 100 people and you want to effect positive change in the world, we’ll almost certainly get along well. Our past and current partners include 501c3s, 501c4s, LLCs, and for-profit businesses.

  • For some organizations, especially small ones who are just starting to grow, you may not have had to think about HR before. We’ll work with you to create strong foundations that scale sustainably.

  • HR policies and processes can sometimes get put on the back-burner, we get it. We can come in and update these artifacts to reflect your current organization.

  • You’re not the only one! We have worked with plenty of clients who know they need support, but don’t know where to start. We’ll work with you to assess your organization to determine what you need.

AnnE Diemer smiling while taking a bite of a beignet

Hi! I’m AnnE Diemer.

pronouns: she/her/hers
HR certification: SPHR though HRCI

My focus is always on doing people-centered work — prioritizing the *human* in HR.

I approach HR through a lens that holds contradictions: How do we build great workplaces while also questioning capitalist systems? How can we work efficiently and move quickly while also prioritizing ourselves and each other as humans? There are no easy answers to these questions, but I’m going to keep asking them… because that’s the future of work.

My experience ranges from scaling inclusion at tech startups to leading people & culture at progressive non-profits.

And though those opportunities significantly informed my work, my commitment to feminism shapes everything that I do. My (never-ending) feminist education taught me:

  • when we build for the most marginalized person, we build for everyone

  • “the way it’s always been done” does not have to be the way we do it now

  • and to trust people’s lived experiences — especially when they are very different from my own.

When I’m not problem-solving within organizations, you can find me crocheting while watching Survivor or trying out a new restaurant with my partner.

If you’re committed to creating a more human workplace, then we want to work with you.

We don’t expect you to have it all figured out. You don’t have to know exactly what you need — you don’t even have to know exactly what you want to change.

All we ask is that you are ready to put in the work to make your workplace more inclusive, sustainable, inspiring, and ultimately, more human.