People-centered practices to improve your workplace.

Partnering with us means you’re determined to create a workplace where your employees can be their authentic selves, speak up when they have suggestions, and inspire each other daily.

If that sounds like the workplace you want to create, let’s do this.

Workplace challenges impact your bottom line.

Work has changed so much in the last few years, but instead of solving workplace problems, this evolution has amplified many of them.

✗ burnout

✗ lack of balance

✗ poor communication

✗ attrition

✗ unwelcoming environments

✗ performance challenges

We understand why these issues are coming up in workplaces, and we’re not here to judge. But we do want to help you address them because, unfortunately, they will not go away on their own.

Here’s how we can help

We provide customized services for each of our partners because we know that no organization is the same. Our process will identify your organization’s strengths and challenges, and then together we can choose what to prioritize for next steps.

Usually our programs address at least 2 of these categories:


Company culture and company impact are inextricably tied together — one always affects the other. We’ll guide your team through these challenges to ensure culture and impact continually improve.

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Creating consistent policies that are rooted in your organizational values builds a strong foundation for your organization. We can help you generate these.

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Organizations are constantly evolving, which means your process and people must adapt. We bring in customized workshops to facilitate that growth.

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What Our Clients Say

How we’ll work together

We prioritize people first. Yes, we can write an employee handbook and create a hiring training for your organization, but before we start, we always talk to your team.

  • What to Expect:
    In this phase, we get to know your team and your organization through interviews, and (when requested) an employee engagement survey tailored to your team’s specific needs. At the end of this process, we’ll write up a report that focuses on ways your team can improve, and how we can support them in those areas.

    The report will include:
    Your unique leverage: before making changes, it’s crucial to recognize what is going well. Change management is much more straightforward when you are leveraging strengths. 
    Your areas of improvement: every organization has something they can do better. Our report will clearly identify these opportunities and highlight why they are worth focusing on.
    Your next steps: we will suggest several ways that we can support your team to move forward based on what we’ve seen so far.

    Why it matters:
    Many teams come to us asking for one thing, but they really need something else. In engineering, this is called an XY problem: clients are asking about their solution, but missing the root problem.

    The discovery phase allows us to identify that root problem, and then we can build a solution from there.

  • What to expect:
    If you choose to move forward with some or all of our recommendations for next steps from the report in Phase 1, we will work with you to implement the projects we suggested.

    This may look like:
    • Updating your existing policies to reflect your organization’s current values and priorities
    • Creating new processes to help your team work more efficiently, effectively, and happily
    • Leading trainings to improve team connection, communication, or specific skills
    • Facilitating difficult conversations between employees or teams

    Why it matters:
    When we say this is a partnership, we mean it. We will execute these projects alongside you and your team to ensure that we are fully addressing your team’s specific needs. For example, when we provide your team with a new policy, we will also help you educate your team, make adjustments, and assess sustainability. We’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll rely on the relationships that we build in Phase 1 with your team to aid us as we answer their questions, make changes based on their feedback, and find the ways it will best fit for your team.

  • What to expect:
    Some teams are only looking for temporary support and have an existing team in place to carry the team forward. If that’s you, then we will Wrap up our partnership by:
    • Handing off any resources created for your team
    • Meeting to advise on next steps and answer any final questions

    Why it matters:
    We are partners throughout this project and we want to be sure you are set up for success to move on without our support. We also love to have an opportunity to get feedback from you on how we can continue to improve our work as well.

  • What to expect:
    Some teams do not have HR/People Ops teams or infrastructure in place, and in that case, receiving some fractional support on a regular basis can be beneficial. If that sounds like your organization, then we offer Ongoing support through options like:
    • Weekly/bi-weekly office hours (just for your org!)
    • Regular meetings/check-ins where we can answer questions and provide resources with managers and/or leadership
    • Online support (email and/or slack)

    Why it matters:
    If you’ve made it this far, you know that aedHR firmly believes that People Work is not a simple “check-the-box” exercise — there’s always work to be done. At the same time, we know your team may not have the budget,capacity or need to bring on full-time HR support. Through regular check-ins with aedHR, we can keep a lookout for potential problems on the horizon, and tackle challenges before they become too large.

Short project? We can do that too.

Organizations get busy, and life gets busier. We understand. You may not have the time right now to commit to a full discovery process. Feel free to reach out to us to describe how you’d envision working together.

How we’ll succeed

Our work will be a partnership. Together, we will commit to:

✓ Practicing direct and kind communication

✓ Prioritizing the needs of the most marginalized person impacted by the work

✓ Making space to hear multiple perspectives in every situation

✓ Always asking the hard questions — even if there are no obvious answers

✓ Getting uncomfortable by challenging existing perspectives, especially those influenced by positions of privilege

The best time to get HR support was probably 6 months ago… but the next best time is now.

It’s hard to ask for help. It’s hard to direct resources towards operations rather than your product.

But we’ve heard so many of our clients say, “We wish we started this work sooner.”

And that’s because your people, policies, and organizational culture are the key parts of your organization that make it all happen. Take care of them first: it will always help your bottom line.